5 true love stories that will make you cry with emotion

Moving, inspiring and with happy endings. These love stories seem like something out of a romantic movie or a cheesy book, but no! They are stories that have happened in real life and that show us that love exists, that good things also happen in the world and that, sometimes, reality is stranger than fiction. Fall in love reading these 5 true love stories that will make you cry with emotion.

5 true love stories that will make you cry with emotion

Love letter in a fireplace

British Steve Smith and Spanish Carmen Ruiz-Pérez met 17 years ago while she was studying English in Paignton. Theirs was a real crush, they fell in love instantly. However, after a year of relationship something went wrong between them and Carmen moved to Paris. They lost track of her, but he never managed to forget her so he didn’t stop until he found her address in Spain and wrote her a love letter in search of reconciliation. The letter reached the hands of Carmen’s mother who picked it up and put it on the fireplace. There she remained for ten long years without anyone reading it until a few years ago the family decided to reform the house and the letter appeared among the rubble. Carmen was able to read it and after much hesitation she called Steve. They met again, fell in love again and finally got married.

Love story with the same name

This true love story has as protagonists a man, Kelly Hildebrandt, and a woman, Kelly Hildebrandt. Yes, you read that right, both her and his names are exactly the same. In Spain this could be the case, for example, with the Catalan name “Pau” (Peace and Pablo).

In April 2008, Kelly (she, 20 years old, Florida) typed her name into the Facebook search engine. This is one of those saves that we have ALL made at some point. Or have you never tried to search for your name on Google out of mere curiosity? She did so and in this way she ran into Kelly (he, 24 years old, Texas). She decided to send him a funny message and curiously he answered her. This is how they began to write emails and call each other by phone. Over time they fell in love. Now he has moved to Florida and they want to get married soon.

The story of two soldiers who fled to the United States to be together

US Army translator Nayyef Hrebid and Iraqi soldier Btoo Allami fell in love in the middle of the Iraq war, although the real battle they had to fight was for their love and lasted 12 years. Nayyef and Btoo had to keep their relationship a secret given how dangerous it is to come out as gay in their home country. In 2009 Nayyef got tired of the situation and decided to fight for his love by asking for asylum in the United States. They granted it to him and he settled in Seattle, however his attempts to get a visa so that Btoo could go live with him were unsuccessful. After four years apart and maintaining their relationship at a distance, Btto was able to travel to the United States to meet with her boy. They got married and Btoo got her long-awaited visa. Love triumphed despite the fact that the couple must still keep the relationship a secret from their families.

True love story 2.0 

This love story was born from social networks, in the purest 21st century style. A guy in a coffee shop decided to broadcast the romance between two employees via Twitter. “I’m alone in a coffee shop and an employee just told her coworker that she has a crush on him. I will keep you posted,” she tweeted. “He says he needs a moment to think about it,” the narrator continued tweeted. After this, the response was immediate, he kissed her before the expectant gaze of thousands of people on social networks. “He just came back and he kissed her, oh my!” Hooray for true love!

The London Underground couple

Peter Moberac, a 21-year-old Londoner, fell in love with a blonde girl on line five of the London Underground: Catherine. He took courage and drew a portrait of her on a piece of paper. Days later he gave her even more guts and published the drawing on a website. To finish off the play, he asked for help finding her and the story made the front pages of the press. Thanks to the media they were able to meet. They met on several occasions, they got along and today they are a couple and live together.

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