Boarding School Love Story: Breaking the Rules

The threat was carried out. Patricia’s parents were ashamed of that wayward, rebellious daughter, who could not find her place, who repeated one school year after another and, above all, who did not fit in at all within the exclusive social circle to which her family belonged. Several times they had threatened to send her to a boarding school if she did not improve her grades and finally, they carried out her threat. The new school year began for Patricia in a boarding school packed with rigor and discipline. And what at first seemed like hell, became her particular paradise to live a love story.

A love that breaks the rules

It was a girls’ boarding school, but that doesn’t mean there weren’t men hanging around the girls, from teachers to cleaning staff to handymen. It was precisely one of these maintenance workers, Marcos, the goal that Patricia set for herself the first week of the course, when she went to her room to put a lamp on her.

It was not the first time that a boarding school student noticed Marcos, because he gave off an attractiveness that was difficult to resist. Thus, by Marcos’s cabin, located a little apart but in the boarding school’s own garden, countless girls from different promotions had passed. And as soon as she saw Patricia, she knew she was going to be next.

What Marcos did not know is that Patricia was a tenacious girl obsessed with freedom. He also didn’t know that she wasn’t willing to wait for the scant year she had left before coming of age and finally be able to get away from her family clan. Patricia’s objective was Marcos, but she because she saw him as a vehicle towards freedom. What was not love? The truth is that there was love, but for the moment it was not what mattered most to Patricia, much less to Marcos.

Love despite everything

  1. They started with a clandestine love. It was not difficult for Patricia to go out at night without being seen until Marcos’s cabin, since everything was within the same enclosure. There they spent nights of love and confidentiality with reservations. Patricia told him about her dreams of escaping from her and Marcos followed her game, swearing that she would do everything possible for her to achieve it. The days passed in a sleepy cloud due to the intense nightlife and the teachers began to closely monitor a Patricia who fell asleep in class and did not participate in any activity.
  2. It was because of this suspicion of the teachers that the boarding school management found out about the romance that its maintenance worker was living with one of his students. And Patricia was glad because her time had come. She assumed that the boarding school would fire Marcos and she would go with him. Nothing like it. Because it was not the first time that one of these forbidden love stories occurred within its walls and because the boarding school knew how to wash its dirty laundry without scandals.
  3. Since they didn’t fire Marcos, but they did put Patricia under surveillance, she withdrew into herself. She let the anguish take over her to the point of getting sick, but the teachers wanted to wait a little longer before alerting her family. At that moment Marcos reacted to love. He knew that if he didn’t act he would lose Patricia, in the broadest sense. And when he pictured it, he couldn’t bear it. So Marcos left his job the same day he picked up Patricia from his room and they went away to live his love story.

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