Dangerous love story: change personality

Eva couldn’t believe how lucky she had been. After a long period of depression, she rose from her own ashes, creating a new life. At last, the life she had wanted. And to add dreams come true, in recent months she had begun to believe in love. She had been living her best love story for six months, with the only man with whom she believed forever was possible.

Meet the love of your life

  • She met Rafi through a mutual friend. To be honest, Eva still had no friends in that small town to which she had recently moved to start a new life from scratch. But she did have acquaintances, and one of those acquaintances had set her up on a blind date with a guy she was going to love. That’s what she had told him. And she, who had nothing to lose, decided to accept a date with a stranger for the first time.
  • Indeed, Rafa turned out to be charming, smiling, interesting, witty, funny and sexy. What more could he ask for? On that first date they talked about everything, they wondered about everything including the zodiac sign in which Rafa seemed to be very interested. The Capricorn character of Eva seemed to like the charming Rafa who did not hesitate for a second to ask for her phone number to arrange a second date.
  • And that’s how they got to know each other date after date at breakneck speed, so fast that three months later they were already living together. It is that Eva had nothing to lose. Living together did not change Rafa’s affectionate nature, but it did reveal aspects of her personality unknown to her. After all, they had known each other for a very short time. Ever Eva doubted Rafa’s attention. Maybe they were hiding a controlling character?

Surrender to the love of your life

  1. The truth is that Rafa surrounded all these attentions with a smile that Eva could not resist. After all, it wasn’t a bad thing that Rafa gave her a pair of colored pants, when she had always wore jeans. It was also not a bad thing that he surprised her with sexy tops so that she would put aside her sweatshirts. She didn’t even bother when she saw herself in those heels that her lovely boyfriend had suggested. The truth is that she was amazing with that style.
  2. Everything was so perfect and Eva was so happy to have finally found a guy who wasn’t dysfunctional, who liked to lead a normal life, do normal things, talk about normal things…everything was so perfect and so normal. That Eva didn’t even realize that in that functional relationship there were three. Because there was not a single day that Rafa did not mention his ex-girlfriend from him. But Eva didn’t even realize that.
  3. Since she was not a jealous person either, Eva did not give importance to the comments that Rafa made about his ex-girlfriend. After all, it is logical to mention the people who have been part of your life. She was a bit startled the day that, by chance, Rafa told her that his ex-girlfriend was also a Capricorn. And a shadow of suspicion settled in Eva’s mind.
  4. He wasn’t going to pay any attention to that shadow of suspicion, but he finally had to wake up the day he ran into that mutual friend who had introduced him to Rafa on the street. Because that friend was chatting animatedly with a girl who wore the same hair color as Eva, the same haircut, the same heels, colored pants and the same sexy blouse. And he knew immediately that this girl was Rafa’s ex-girlfriend.

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