Facebook love story: love on social networks

At a time when social networks and technology are part of our daily lives, the way of relating and even falling in love has also changed. And if not tell Noa Clark. It was her boredom, her curiosity and her Facebook account that made him stumble upon the best love story of her life. One night, she decided to try looking for her own name and surname on this social network. Just to see if anyone shared it. On her computer screen she came up with only one match and it was a boy: Noa Clark. There he was. From his profile picture of him, he seemed very handsome: honey-colored eyes, tanned skin, and short brown hair. It’s okay that it was just an image and that appearances are deceiving, but she was attracted from the first moment to him. According to her bio description, she was only a couple years older, so she decided to send him a message: “Hi! We have the same first and last name. How cool!”

He didn’t reply for two weeks. In fact, she already thought that she would not get an answer and had even forgotten about it. But one afternoon, she received a notification on her mobile from her: “How strong! Someone with the same name as me! And a girl! Will we be cousins? Hahaha”. They exchanged a few more messages on Facebook and soon gave each other their mobile phones to continue the conversation on WhatsApp.

The first thing they did is investigate if there was any family relationship between them. It seemed very strange to them to have exactly the same name and last name and that there was no type of union, but the truth is that no matter how hard they searched, they did not find any link. In fact, they lived in different cities separated by more than 2,000 kilometers away.

Love on social networks: Love story on Facebook

  • They connected very quickly. There was a lot of chemistry and complicity between them. In addition to sharing the same name, they also shared the same hobbies. They both loved escaping to the beach to surf and they bonded very quickly. Every afternoon when they got home from work, they would hook up to their mobile phones and spend hours and hours chatting about the different types of giant waves they had been able to dodge over the years they had been practicing the sport.
  • She felt very comfortable talking to him. She liked how she wrote, what she said and how it made her feel. In a matter of weeks she became an essential person in her life. She no longer imagined coming home and not finding him on the other side of the screen, although the situation seemed very strange to her. She liked that boy, but he didn’t know him physically. She had never believed in her virtual love affairs, in fact she laughed every time a friend of hers told her that she was meeting a boy online. “Crushes for the network?  That does not exist,” she thought. But now she was the one who was living the experience and as much as she tried to hide it, she was falling in love with her.

Meeting and real love

  1. One afternoon when she got home, Noa found a message on her phone as usual: “I thought that after all the time we’ve been talking, it’s time to meet in person, right? I know we live far from each other and it’s hard, but how about we meet at a middle beach and spend a few days surfing together? I think the time has come for you to show me how much you know! We can even have a competition if you want, we’ll have a great time!”
  2. Noa’s heart raced as she read the proposal. Meet him in person? Well of course yes! She was looking forward to it! She quickly turned on the computer to book the plane ticket. However, having the same first and last name also brings her problem and the airlines canceled the reservation. They detected that two plane tickets with the same name had been bought to the same place on the same day and they thought it was a mistake. Seeing him, Noa was devastated, she thought that she was not going to be able to meet the boy of her dreams, but luckily, he had a pilot friend who was able to quickly resolve the situation.
  3. The following week Noa (she) and Noa (he) were able to meet. They embraced when they saw each other, they felt their bodies close to each other, overcoming any barrier, beyond any mobile screen. The connection was instant. They spent some wonderful days between waves, they verified that the complicity was real, that it was not just about something virtual, and that what was between them crossed all social networks. They both felt the same, they both wanted to fight for that love that was beginning to be born. A love that appeared at the most unexpected time and place, a love with the same first and last name: Noa Clark.

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