Gay love story: a love without labels

Every morning Toni took the subway to go to work. Always at the same time, always the same route, always getting on and off at the same stations. Every day I saw the same people: the blonde and elegant woman with her briefcase, the man who was always hooked on his mobile phone, the woman who took her two small children to school and the dark-haired girl with an awkward and gangly air who always got off at the same stop as him. Day after day the same story, day after day the scenes were repeated as if they had been traced over and over again.

Until one Wednesday someone showed up to break Toni’s routine, or rather, to break all the schemes. That morning Jairo got on the subway. Toni had never seen that boy. In all the years that he had been making that same journey, they had never crossed paths. He immediately noticed him. Tall, brown skin, intense brown eyes, very handsome. He was wearing a white T-shirt, jeans, and a black backpack slung across his back. Toni immediately began to fantasize about what the life of that stranger would be like: “Has he started working in a new company and from now on he will take this same train every day? Or maybe he’s just going on an errand? How old will he be? Will you like boys? I wish,” he thought. The truth is that Toni had been captivated by him from the first moment. A crush, love at first sight, that in which he had never believed. Just looking at him had stirred up a whole host of new emotions. She had the feeling of knowing that boy for a lifetime.

When Toni woke up from her dreams, she only had one stop left to get off the subway. “What I do? Shall I go ahead and talk to him? It may be the first and last time I see him”, he thought, but did not dare. He alone had the courage to take out his cell phone and, covertly, take a picture of it. That way, she could see and remember that crush forever.

Gay love story: looking for a platonic love

  • During the following weeks, Toni continued to go to work on the subway, but she did not see Jairo again. He couldn’t get it out of his head, every morning he wished with all his might that that anonymous boy would get back on the train car, but that never happened. Desperate to contact him, an idea occurred to him: upload the photo he had taken of Jairo to social networks to see if any of his contacts knew him. He didn’t have high hopes, but against all odds, the strategy worked. The photo began to spread like foam on the Internet and in a matter of hours, Toni had Jairo’s email address in his hands. After so many days wanting to talk to that platonic love was finally going to be able to do it!
  • He did not think twice and sent him an email. “Hello! My name is Toni, I saw you three weeks ago in a subway car first thing in the morning. You’ll think I’m crazy, you’ll probably run when you see this email and you’ll never reply to me, but I haven’t been able to get you out of my head ever since. I would love to meet you, I like you a lot,” he wrote.
  • Within five minutes, Toni received a notification. A new mail! From Jairus! He opened it: “Hello! Were you the boy with the blue cap? Hehehe,” he replied. Toni couldn’t believe it, Jairo had also noticed him, and he remembered him! During the following days they continued talking and little by little discovering things about their lives. They had a lot in common and connected perfectly. There was chemistry, complicity and a lot of rapport. In every conversation they had, it was obvious that they both liked each other very much, however, neither of them dared to take the next step: meet in person.

A love without labels

One morning, Toni got on the subway as usual. The daily routine was developing normally until he saw a sign in the distance on which he said: “You may think I’m crazy, but do you want to go out with me?” Toni looked around and the whole wagon was papered with posters with the same message. He turned around and there he was: Jairo. In the same place where he had seen her for the first time. With those brown eyes and that beautiful smile waiting for an answer. “Yes, of course I want to,” Toni replied, slowly approaching him until she kissed him on the lips… The entire train car was moved when they saw the scene: the blonde and elegant lady with her briefcase, the man who was always hooked on his mobile phone, the woman who took her two small children to school and the dark-haired girl with an easygoing air. Gangly began to clap. This is how Toni and Jairo began their love story: a love without labels, a love that shows that everything impossible is possible. As long as you dare.

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