Halloween Love Story: Eternal Love Spells

I could not stop thinking about him. Ever since that Halloween party, Claudia had been crazy about a mysterious stranger with green eyes, an intense, brilliant look, and a smile that cast a spell on her from the very beginning. That Halloween night began a strange Halloween love story that would last forever. A love story between a woman disguised as a witch and a man disguised as himself.

Love story on Halloween night

  1. Claudia attended the Halloween party dressed in a very long red dress. Red for all the passion that she thought to waste and red for the blood that she had to shed to do the spells, the spells of love, or heartbreak; whatever came up She knew where she was going to direct all her magic as soon as her gaze met those green eyes that darted for her.
  2. The stranger and Claudia exchanged few words but a lot of energy and they ended the party too soon. Claudia ended up without really knowing how in the stranger’s house, in her room, in her bed. And she spent the best night of Halloween, the best night of her life under the covers of a man she just met but to whom she would be forever linked. There it was, finally, hers forever.
  3. When Claudia woke up she felt confused. An unknown mixture of overwhelming satisfaction and restlessness. She rushed to go one step further, to continue enjoying the excessive love of that stranger that she had become the engine of her life. She looked at the lifeless body of her love of hers, she dressed slowly, watching him, trying to retain her features, she put the essence in her bag and left.

Love spells on Halloween

  • She ran home with the urge to continue loving that stranger. She took her essence from her bag, the tiny vial with the drops of blood that would retain the love of her life. At last. So many love stories with sad endings, so many disappointments, so many sentimental failures, so many deceptions from toxic men. She now had true love in her hand and forever.
  • The magic formula that managed to keep love forever was simple. She only needed a few drops of the chosen man’s blood, a hair from Claudia herself and a few more drops of that strange liquid that a gypsy had given her on one of her trips. The elixir of eternal love was almost ready and she only needed to drink it in one gulp while she visualized each one of the features of the chosen man.
  • The love spell worked. It was the next Halloween and every Halloween night for her entire life. Claudia received at her house, dressed in the same very long red dress, the same stranger with green eyes, whom she came punctually to her annual appointment. A love that lasted forever, even if their encounters were only one night a year. But an eternal love.

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