How to live the best summer love story

Who has not ever dreamed of living a summer love story? The truth is that when we think of these types of relationships we usually associate them with adolescence. That stage in which you have the most revolutionized hormones and the idea of ​​falling in love during the holidays seems really tempting. But, in truth, a summer love can be given and enjoyed at any age. Moreover, it is something totally recommended. It is a type of fresh and exciting story that opens the doors to new experiences and that, in general, tends to have a defined temporality, which means that in the long run we keep the good things and there is no room for the bad. Bad vibes or arguments.

Of course, to be able to enjoy a summer love in conditions, the most important thing is that you be very clear from the beginning what it is and where you want to go with that relationship because otherwise it can end up becoming a real nightmare. Here are some tips so you can experience the best summer love story ever told.

Tips to live the best summer love story

  • Enjoy the moment: As a general rule, summer love usually has an expiration date. This is not always the case and there are hundreds of couples who, after living their summer love, have continued together for a long time, but unfortunately, temporality is usually one of the aspects that best defines this type of relationship. They last as long as the holidays last. The best thing is that you do not lose sight of this premise, since it will allow you not to look further and enjoy every moment to the fullest. You will squeeze each caress, each kiss and each hug as if it were the last. This makes this type of relationship imbued with a special magic that would not be achieved if you were sure that you were going to be with that person for an unlimited time.
  • Live without expectations: The best thing in summer relationships is that things flow and develop naturally. Do not expect anything from him and do not feel committed to giving anything for yours The less expectations you have, the better you’ll have. You will have a more open mind to surprises and every little detail will make you feel full and happy. Of course, if there is something that bothers you or that you are not willing to tolerate, say it from the beginning. It’s not about you closing in on building something with that person either, but if it doesn’t work out in the end, you won’t be bitter.
  • Be honest: So that neither of you ends up hurt, it is important that you be honest about your intentions. If you don’t want strings attached and are just looking for a summer fling, tell him so outright. You will save yourself future headaches.
  • Away with jealousy and arguments: One of the most positive things about summer love is that they usually last just long enough not to give rise to arguments and jealousy problems. In these relationships, there is only time for the phase of falling in love to be experienced, in which everything is usually idyllic and rosy. We only look at the good things about the other person and everything that could be bad goes completely unnoticed. Take advantage of this advantage!
  • Be careful with love phrases: Summer love is usually incredibly romantic experiences in which those involved are carried away by emotions. You should keep in mind that you are in a different context than your normal life and probably your summer love as well. If you just met him, you have to know how to differentiate between emotions and feelings. The former are usually unavoidable in situations like this, but the latter are built day by day and are the product of much longer and stronger relationships. This does not mean that love phrases such as “I love you” or “I like you a lot” are prohibited, but it is best to avoid “I love you” or “I love you”, since it is too soon to really feel it and the other person could have false illusions or, worse, run away.
  • Do not compare your summer love with other relationships: This is never good. Summer relationships have nothing to do with other courtships you’ve had before. The magic lies precisely in the fact that you can be with someone with whom in your ‘normal life’ you would not fit in no matter how hard you tried. Usually, as it is something ephemeral, it is not necessary to worry if you have different tastes or if your ambitions for the future are completely opposite.
  • Say goodbye: Like everything in life, summer love is a cycle that also ends. Maybe you can see that person again next year or maybe you both really want to fight for yours. If you make an effort you can achieve it, why not? But being realistic, the most likely thing is that the two of you live in different cities, you have different life plans and what one wants does not fit with what the other is looking for. Why torture yourself then by stretching something that doesn’t make sense once the holidays are over? The best thing is that once that expiration date arrives and it is your turn to separate, you say goodbye the best way possible. Put an end to this chapter of your lives with a wonderful kiss and a deep look that reminds you of the incredible summer love story that you have lived. Then close the book and open a new one. Love will knock on your door again very soon!

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