Love stories: let yourself be carried away by the feelings and enjoy

We have been fond of love letters for some time and that has awakened our most sensitive side. And since we are very curious, it turns out that we want to know everything about love, especially how to fully enjoy it. That is why we are compiling the best love stories ever told, those that have already been told and even those that have been half told.

We want to tell love stories in a kind of tribute to love, because we continue to believe in it despite disappointments, despite setbacks. And because we can all live an unforgettable love story. But so that it is not forgotten, we have to tell it. Let’s tell all the love stories.

Love stories that are worth it

  • And while they told us so many love stories, so different, so exciting, some sad love stories and others simply incredible, we have wondered about the origin of these stories, about the origin of love. How does love arise between two people? Some say that it is an innate tendency without any explanation, others say that it is chance; some people think that our love stories arise from the sociocultural context in which we have lived. And most think that it responds to chemical processes in our body.
  • But the truth is that the origin of love we find is incoherence and capriciousness. An incoherence and a whim personified in the winged figure of an irresponsible young man armed with a bow and arrows who is playing with the hearts of poor mortals. Eros, or Cupid, is the madcap teenage son of the goddess of love, Aphrodite.
  • They say that not even Aphrodite wants to succumb to that irrational part that falls in love has and that is why she manages other factors of love, such as passion and desire, while she has left the weight of creating love stories in the hands of her son. It is not strange that some of these love stories end badly or even worse.

Different versions of love

  1. But if we can recognize something in Cupid, it is the variety it brings. And it is that we can find very different love stories, something that enriches our sentimental life and maintains our hope of finding, one day, and a love story with a happy ending. Because we have all experienced a true love story, an exciting or unforgettable love story, but it must be recognized that most of these stories already have an end.
  2. To a greater or lesser extent, we have all lived a love story. Love can be understood, and enjoyed, far beyond the limits of the couple. We also understand love relationships as the affection that two friends profess, the devotion of a daughter for her mother, the admiration between siblings… What is your love story like?

The most beautiful love stories

We have love stories for everyone: for the romantic ones, for the classic ones, for the modern ones, for the adventurous ones, for the melancholic ones, for the dramatic ones and even for the cheesiest ones, but above all, with these love stories we want to attract attention. Of those skeptics of love and send them a message of love so that they can recover the illusion.

These are some of the most beautiful love stories that we are going to tell you.

1 Eternal love stories

Even the most romantic and intense love stories can have an ending. However, through all the love stories that they tell us and that you can now read, we can see that there are also stories of eternal love, loves that have been together forever and remain together forever, or loves that they discover in maturity but that they fill like a lifetime.

2 love and tragedy

There are stories that have tragic overtones from their first words. Like Romeo and Juliet, there are some loves that seem destined to end badly. The fateful outcome will come sooner or later, no matter how much the hearts of lovers fight for their love. They are plots that make your hair stand on end and excite you due to the intensity of falling in love. Have you ever lived one of these stories?

3 Tale romances

On the other hand, there are love relationships worthy of a story. His characters are trapped by a magical aura that only lovers can see. Despite the obstacles that get in their way, they always manage to unite their hearts again. Because yes, that’s how it was; they were happily ever after.

4 Short but intense love stories

Summer love, instant crushes, passionate adventures… There are love stories that are very short, but very intense. Although they do not last long (some even last only the duration of a kiss), lovers get involved in a tangle of feelings and emotions that makes them commit certain crazy things. With the passage of time, these love affairs are remembered with affection and a certain nostalgia for what they experienced.

5 Unconditional love between parents and children

There is no more unconditional love than the one that a father or mother professes for their children and vice versa. These family relationships motivate some of the most beautiful love stories of all time because the love and passion that motivates them is stronger than any obstacle. They can with everything. This type of affection also occurs with cousins, uncles, grandparents, friends, etc.

6 Love story surrounded by lies

Why do we insist on hurting each other, instead of living and letting love live? There are stories that are surrounded by lies, deceit and persecution with a necessarily catastrophic ending. When a relationship is impossible, the inevitable will eventually happen. On other occasions, for the love relationship to start or continue, it is necessary to hold on to forgiveness and learn to accept your partner’s past. Only then can love flourish.

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