Love story of the Infanta Cristina and Iñaki Urdangarin: good and bad

She noticed him during the Atlanta Olympic Games and since then she started a whole crusade to get him. It did not cost him much, because he saw infinite possibilities in the then infanta Cristina. A bit in silence, a bit in secret, these two tall, handsome and blond young men began a love story that stands out for its stability and mutual support. This is the love story of Cristina and Iñaki.

How the love story of the Infanta Cristina and Iñaki Urdangarin began

  • Iñaki Urdangarín was already pointing out ways in terms of his scale of values ​​from the beginning of this love story. Cristina de Borbón liked the handball player and he liked the number of possibilities that were offered to him with that relationship. Iñaki was so interested in pleasing Cristina and starting a relationship that he forgot to tell his girlfriend about him, with whom he had been with for 5 years.
  • A girlfriend who found out on television that her boyfriend had another love, neither more nor less than the Infanta Cristina, the same day they announced their engagement. Since then, Iñaki Urdangarín has shown signs of his tendency to hide vitally important details from his partner. But that doesn’t matter too much to Cristina, because she is a woman in love.
  • Despite this unpromising beginning, Iñaki and Cristina became the ideal couple, young, handsome, with a future and willing to create a large, blonde family. He was always his favorite son-in-law, although we assume that not because of his merit, but because of the demerit of his other son-in-law, Jaime de Marichalar. The favorite son-in-law and the enamored infanta maintained the fiction for many years.

Love in the good and in the bad

  1. One fine day suspicions began. The couple went from living simply, with that simplicity that members of royalty display, to having a way of life that was unthinkable even for people of their position. The Pedralbes mansion set off alarm bells about the origin of the family economy. And what was suspected ended up being true.
  2. Then a judicial process began, first against Iñaki Urdangarín and later also against Cristina. And they, like Bonnie and Clyde royalty, didn’t abscond in a car, but made their way majestically to Washington and later to Switzerland. Presumably, he is now a criminal and she is a woman in love.
  3. That Cristina de Borbón is a woman in love is said by her acquaintances and also by her lawyers. And that is precisely the defense of the king’s sister in the judicial process of the Noos case. She doesn’t know anything because she is a woman in love. We do not doubt it, because if Cristina de Borbón has shown signs of anything, it is to support her husband and to continue by her side through thick and thin.

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