Love story on Valentine’s Day: dreams to fulfill

I had always wanted to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Lucía looked with envy at all those television couples who celebrated Valentine’s Day in style, with an engagement ring on the banks of the Seine or with unforgettable declarations of love. She didn’t want that much, she was content to live her own Valentine’s Day among roses and candles, but she had never found a man who was interested in celebrating that date. And it is that, now she realized, her love stories had never been characterized by romanticism. But this year… this year was going to be different.

A Valentine with love

  • This year was going to be different because Lucía had already been dating Javi for eight months, in a wonderful relationship that was about to take another step. Soon they would move in together. At least, that was deduced from the conversations they had, from the plans they made. Luckily Javi was different from other boyfriends Lucia had had. Javi seemed more sensitive, more romantic.
  • And it was lucky because a date was approaching that Lucia was excited and terrified at the same time. Valentine’s Day was approaching and Lucía had always wanted to celebrate that day in a special way, declare her love to her partner in a romantic setting, with gifts of love, with messages of eternal love, with chocolates, with roses, with candles… Finally, a real Valentine. But none of her previous partners had been interested in celebrating anything.
  • Although she didn’t know Javi well enough, Lucía had a feeling that this Valentine’s Day was going to be special. Something had heard her boyfriend comment that it was a great date to show her love, so she was focused on preparing a surprise for her Valentine’s Day. There were still two weeks left, she still had time to set the right stage to formally ask Javi to live together. Or maybe he had had the same idea.

Preparing Valentine’s Day

  1. The truth is that Javi was also making certain preparations for Valentine’s Day and it was also true that this gave him more than one problem. He didn’t know how to look good, if sending a bouquet of flowers to work was excessive, if perhaps it was better to send it to his house, if it was better to reserve a romantic dinner in a restaurant or perhaps prepare it at home. And Lucía perceived Javi’s nervousness and she was delighted because she was expecting an unforgettable Valentine’s Day.
  2. And the day of lovers arrived. In the end they had agreed to prepare a romantic dinner at Lucía’s house, so it was her turn to put on the special effects for an unforgettable evening. There was no lack of the love gymkhana that he had always wanted to have, it didn’t matter if it wasn’t for her but for him. But first he wanted to go to Javi’s house so that it was there that he would find the first clue of the gymkhana that would lead him to Valentine’s dinner.
  3. The first clue, however, was for Lucía. Lucía entered Javi’s apartment in the middle of the afternoon, long before he finished work. That first clue was Javi’s keys. He was he already home? But since Lucía had never done one of those love gymkhanas before, she didn’t have much experience on tracks. If not, she would have realized that something was wrong, that a woman’s scent was directing her toward her bedroom without her noticing it. And she there she saw them. Javi celebrating his own Valentine’s Day with another woman.

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