Love story to celebrate Father’s Day

Miriam and David had been living their best love story for seven years. It could be said that they were the ideal couple, because both were convinced of their love and their common life project. Envied by family, friends and acquaintances, few couples seemed so involved and complicit.

And it is that they squandered happiness. Only a wish that refused to be fulfilled clouded the joy of this couple in love. Miriam and David wanted to start a big family, but the children had not yet arrived. You want to know more? Do not miss this love story to celebrate Father’s Day!

Family love

  1. After four years trying unsuccessfully to be parents, after fertility tests, after pilgrimages through medical consultations, coming out with the same proposal to keep trying because there was no physiological impediment, after so many frustrations, her wish was granted. On such a special day as Father’s Day, Miriam and David finally found out that the baby was on the way.
  2. That Father’s Day they had planned to spend it separately, each one with their respective families celebrating this special date. A date that they wanted to start celebrating in a different way, not with the family they came from, but with the family they themselves created. And something happened because, as soon as she woke up, Miriam felt different, with a powerful force, with a special energy and with a radiant smile. She had a feeling and, with David already at work, she hurried down to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test.
  3. The result of the pregnancy test it was positive. They were finally going to get that dreamed baby for so many years. Miriam called her office to say she was taking the day off and then called David to ask him to cancel his meal at her parents’ house. It is that he was not feeling well and he preferred that he go to eat with her. David did not hesitate for a moment to stay and spend the day with his wife, even though he still did not know what was waiting for him at home.

Parental love

  • The surprise was huge. Because when David got home, he was met with a mixed Valentine’s Day and Father’s Day greeting. Hearts, candles and cards with “I love you” and “I love you, dad” decorated every corner of the house. And on the table, a meal worthy of a special anniversary. David didn’t understand anything and he didn’t quite know how to take the show, until seeing the glint in Miriam’s eyes, he knew.
  • Miriam didn’t have to tell him anything, didn’t have to confirm it for him to be sure. He was sure because he saw the embarrassment in the happiness that Miriam radiated. They could not imagine a better day than that Father’s Day to start celebrating it. The first of many Father’s Days that would come from now on and that would fill Miriam and David with joy.

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