Love story with a friend: confused feelings

She doesn’t remember very well how she became such a friend of Pablo. She went to the University, she does remember that, but she doesn’t know when they began to connect until they became fundamental in each other’s lives. Pablo and Lidia were more than friends, but not in the sense of being able to live a love story together. They were essential friends, necessary friends.

From friends to lovers

  • It was when Lidia returned from a course abroad, when she came back devastated, with her heart broken, her soul drowned and totally confused that Pablo did not hesitate to exercise his role as lifeguard. Pablo comforted Lidia, wiped away her tears, stood her up and even made her laugh. And Lidia felt comforted because Pablo would always be her cane.
  • They say that touch makes love and that is what must have happened in that friendship. They were so close to each other, so necessary that the only union they lacked was sexual. They both considered it an inevitable union and once the night of sex was over, the relationship was taken for granted. It was also unavoidable.
  • As the months passed, Lidia wondered how she had ended up having a relationship with her best friend. While her mother warned her that this could end in disaster and thus lose a boyfriend and a friend at the same time, Lidia only saw the advantages of living with a man who understood her, who knew her and who had accepted her long ago. Way of being.

True friends, false loves

  1. But the reality is that it is not the same to accept the peculiarities of a friend than of a girlfriend. And Pablo, taking advantage of the weakness that Lidia still had since the coup, shaped her now girlfriend to make her the woman he wanted. And Pablo wanted his friend Lidia, spontaneous, natural, whimsical and fun. But he didn’t want a girlfriend like that.
  2. Pablo wanted a restrained, silent girlfriend, without excesses, without ups and downs, without doubts, without outbursts, without laughter too. Little by little he was annihilating Lidia’s personality in a subtle way, without stridency, as he liked. And in time he achieved her goal. She got a shadow girlfriend, a quiet and contained girlfriend and with the plus of being totally dependent on him.
  3. Lidia sensed that she was being annulled, but she did not want to believe that her best friend, one of the people who loved her the most in this world, was trying to make her disappear. She didn’t want to believe it and she didn’t believe it. She until she found herself face to face with the misery of the one who was her best friend, of that love with which she planned to spend the rest of her life. And when she saw him, no doubt the rest of her life began to be better.

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