Love story with a happy ending: a summer love

It was a place to escape. A small island surrounded by a calm sea, far enough from her world to forget about everything, recover her calm and rediscover herself. The perfect place for Sara that she was willing to put aside her old toxic loves and start a new life. What she didn’t imagine was that it was also the perfect place to start her best love story. From her.

The island had the contradictory holiday life that offers calm, relaxation, meditation or wild party according to the needs of each one. Sara was looking for peace. Not so Mario, who got off the boat with his group of friends willing to drink up the nights and not miss a single sunrise. And it was at one of those dawns, while Mario said goodbye to the night, when he met Sara. A dawn in which she began a love story.

Summer flirt

  • Sara’s reluctance to have a summer adventure on an island lost in the world collapsed as soon as Mario made her laugh three minutes after they found themselves walking on the beach. Her wit and her naturalness disarmed her and she let herself go. After all, one of her resolutions for that vacation was to learn to be less reflective, to stop thinking about everything.
  • The truth is that Mario made it easy for him; the truth is that Mario made things so easy. He suggested bike rides, coffees with chats in the port, and hot naps that lasted until the next morning. Sara was living a real summer love story. And as such, she knew it would come to an end.
  • Until the end of the holidays they enjoyed each other with all the intensity of knowing for sure that you have found your better half. Although the two were realistic enough not to idealize these summer love affairs. Knowing the expiration date of their story made them give themselves completely, without reservations, without fear.

The end of summer love

  1. But the moment of farewell arrived, at the same time as the end of the summer. And neither of them dared to go further, neither of them spoke of the future, nor of their love story. The kilometers that separated their worlds were enough to not make plans and just remember their summer love through Facebook.
  2. Sara came back into her life. Just as she had proposed, it was a renewed life, with appreciable changes in her way of taking things. Happier, more optimistic, but now with a touch of melancholy that she had never felt before. Because that melancholy was different, it hurt him but it made him feel more alive than ever. And the reason for her melancholy was Mario.
  3. They kept in touch on social media and, without saying anything to each other, mostly to avoid hurting each other, the two dreamed of getting back together. With being together forever. It was she who one day suggested that he return to the island, this time to stay. And he accepted, thus transforming a summer flirt into a love story with a happy ending.

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