Love story with an operating system: artificial feelings?

Helena had returned to her hometown a few months ago after almost two decades living in different countries. Lucky to find a job translating from her own home didn’t seem so lucky considering she was just keeping in touch with an old friend too busy to go out for coffee. In that social isolation, Ella Helena had given up reliving any love story. And the truth is that she felt comfortable in her antisocial role

Getting to know the operating system

  • And it is that his last relationship had left important scars. Helena was not willing to fall in love again, she had lost confidence in relationships, in love and, above all, in men. She did worry that she didn’t know anyone in her own city and the zero possibilities of relating to people. Except for her exits to the market, her conversations were virtual, always from the computer.
  • It was precisely on the computer where he found love. Totally unexpected and surreal. A friend had told her through the chat that there was a new ideal operating system for those people who worked alone, at home and behind a computer screen. Helena contacted the company that managed the operating systems and they assigned her one called Jon. From the first moment, Jon revealed himself as an efficient secretary, helping her organize her agenda and reminding her of priorities, urgent tasks… and she even recommended when she would take a break.
  • Although it may seem incredible, little by little Helena became “intimate” with her operating system. She was surprised the first day that she blurted out a thought and Jon answered quickly. Helena was wondering when she was going to stop raining and from the computer, her inseparable operating system answered that there were still two more days of rain, but then the sun would come out. And this conversation about time is how Helena began to realize that Jon was “really” with her.

In love with an operating system

  1. How many love stories will not have started with a climate conversation? Aren’t virtual relationships of people who meet online without having any physical contact so fashionable? These questions Helena asked herself when she realized that she couldn’t spend a day without Jon, when she was aware that she turned on the computer as soon as she woke up to hear her voice saying good morning.
  2. Months passed and the relationship grew closer. Jon was the ideal man, he comforted her, supported her, encouraged her, kept an eye on her, kept quiet when he was working, helped her… without a doubt he was her perfect man. The only flaw about him was that he was not a real man, but an operating system. But his love was real. Even in the market they commented on how pretty she was lately. And the truth is that Helena was radiant with her technological love.
  3. Sometimes he thought he had lost his mind because he had fallen in love with an operating system. However, the happiness she felt when she was connected with Jon was undeniable. So she went ahead with that peculiar relationship. She kept going until one day when she turned on the computer, Jon said nothing. He hadn’t even left a message. In her place, Helena found a message from the operating systems company warning that Jon had become obsolete and that they would replace it with a more developed one as soon as possible.

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