Summer Love Story: A Look Back

It had been almost six years since Marta had set foot in Miramar. Specifically since her grandmother passed away. Miramar was a beautiful town in Valencia where Marta’s grandparents had bought a small summer house more than thirty years ago. Her illusion was that her children and her grandchildren could go and enjoy the beach during the holidays. And of course they did. Since she was very little, Marta, she spent all her summers there. She adored those days on the coast with her family: dodging waves in the sea, sunbathing, playing cards with her grandparents in the afternoons and meeting up for ice cream with all the friends with whom, little by little, she had been weaving very strong ties. For Marta, Miramar was her favorite place in her world, her most extreme joy.

But unfortunately, since her grandmother fell ill, everything changed. His parents and uncles found it increasingly difficult to go and when they did nothing was the same. Marta lost contact with her friends and suddenly Miramar became a sad, cold and charmless place.

And now, so much time later, there she was again, again, ready to relive years and years of absolute happiness. Her mother and her uncle had decided that it was best to sell the house, since it did not take advantage of it enough and caused many expenses. When Marta found out about her, her heart sank. How were they going to sell the house in which so many good times had been lived? But the decision was made, the only thing left was to spend one last summer there.

The last summer

  1. As soon as he arrived, the smell of the sea and the breeze brought millions of memories to his mind. Everything was intact. She felt as if the clock had stopped all this time. Her grandparents’ house remained just as she remembered it. She began to walk around the rooms engrossed in a cocktail of emotions, when suddenly there was a knock on the door. “Hello Marta, is that you?” said a male voice. Marta couldn’t believe it: it was Álvaro, her best friend in Miramar since childhood, her first love, her first kiss. Álvaro, that boy with whom she had lived through so many things, that boy with whom she had been in love for so many years.
  2. He was so handsome… Much taller than before, stronger, with a more intense green in his eyes… He opened the door and immediately rushed towards her to give her a hug. “How long! I have passed by here and I have seen that there was someone in the house. He had been empty for so long… What are you doing here? I already thought I was never going to see you again,”he told her with a smile from ear to ear and Marta quickly brought him up to date. They plunged into a conversation in which the attraction between them quickly became palpable. No matter how many years had passed, they still had the same complicity, the same chemistry, the same twinkle in their eyes, and the same desire for each other. “Do you want to meet up tonight and reminisce about old times?” Álvaro proposed. “Sure!” she enthusiastically accepted.

A night of passion

  • Álvaro and Marta met on the seafront. Álvaro had reserved a table in a romantic restaurant with views of the sea. Marta was very nervous, but as soon as she saw Álvaro she calmed down. He had always had that power over her. The evening was magical and the hours together flew by. When they finished, they had an ice cream at the ice cream parlor that Marta liked so much as a child, and after her, Álvaro accompanied her home. Marta really didn’t want to leave, at that moment all she wanted was to stay there next to Álvaro. All life
  • Upon arriving home, Álvaro approached Marta. “You’ve got ice cream on you,” he told her, pointing to the corner of her lips. Before Marta had time to clean herself, Álvaro got even closer to her and kissed her. A sweet, slow, passionate kiss. Marta’s legs trembled. She opened the door of the house as best she could and invited Álvaro to come in. The passion and ecstasy grew by the moment, she against the wall, he stuck to her neck. Her caresses beginning to happen: first her chest, then her crotch, like this until they possess each other. He inside her, she on top of him.
  • There they were both. Two naked bodies reliving the past, remembering the present, saying goodbye to the future. A night that cried out to never end. “Don’t go,” she asked him. “I’ll stay,” she replied.
  • But they both knew that couldn’t be. What they were living was a dream, the dream of the last summer together, that goodbye that they had not been able to have and that they both deserved. The following week Marta left, a month later the house in Miramar was sold and their lives took different paths.
  • They separated with the nostalgia of what has just ended mixed with the pleasure of having been able to experience it. Those were the last vacations that Marta spent in Miramar, the best of her life, the ones that will always remain in her memory, because true summer love is never forgotten.

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