Summer Love Story: Fate or Chance?

Sonia, Ana’s best friend, was getting married in a month. The whole group of her friends had decided to surprise her by celebrating her bachelorette party on some island, a perfect place: sunny, heart-stopping beaches and, above all, lots of partying.

Ana had prepared everything with great enthusiasm, after all Sonia had been her great friend since childhood and now she was going to experience one of the most important moments of her life. She had to be by her side supporting her and celebrating her joys, as always. However, inside her, Ana was sad and not too eager to go to the wonderful island: she was the only one in the group who did not have a boyfriend. All the others had a partner, had recently married or were going to do so shortly. Ana had never been good at love and all the boys she had been with either freaked out or disappeared after a few months.

She saw all her friends in love and happy and, why fool us, she was dying of envy. When could she find that man who would take her breath away from her?

Bachelorette party in Ibiza

  • The flight to Ibiza left first thing in the morning. The girls showed up at Sonia’s house very early, covered her eyes with a handkerchief, and blindly took her to the airport. When Sonia found out where they were, she couldn’t believe it. “Are we really leaving? You are the best in the world!” she said excitedly as she hugged her friends from her. They passed the police control, boarded and sat in the seats that corresponded to each one.
  • Ana was very nervous, she had always been terrified of flying, although she preferred to keep it quiet so as not to alarm anyone. Once the plane took off she started to get dizzy. Immediately a stewardess approached her. “Are you okay, miss?” He asked her sweetly. He was a very handsome man: tall, slim, dark-haired, light-eyed, and with the typical plant that flight attendants have.
  • Ana was absolutely silent when she saw him and couldn’t even answer. He immediately brought her a fan and a bottle of cold water. “With this, it will surely pass. If you feel bad, call me, I’ll come right away, ”he said without taking his eyes off her. The rest of the flight passed normally, Ana managed to calm down, but how could she not do it with those big eyes in front of her? Pablo, that was the name of the stewardess, was watching over her throughout the trip.
  • When they landed, Ana, Sonia and their friends went to the hotel to rest for a while. The first day in Ibiza was calm. A bit of beach in the afternoon and a few drinks in a chill out at night. “What’s wrong with you Anna? You are in the clouds!” said Sonia. Ana could not get Pablo out of her head. Because? If only they had had a five minute contact. Would it have been a crush? Impossible! How was she going to believe in crushes if things in the field of love never turned out well for her? Besides, what else did she give, if she was never going to see him again…?

Fate or chance

  1. The next morning, the girls went down to have breakfast at the hotel buffet. In the middle of a latte, someone touched Ana’s shoulder. “Hello! You’re the girl who got sick on the plane yesterday, right?” a deep voice exclaimed. Pablooooo? It couldn’t be! “What are you doing here?” she said, stunned. “I stay a couple of days in this hotel, then I fly back to Madrid,” he said. Not even her words came out to Ana. What a coincidence! She couldn’t believe that she had that man who took her breath away in front of her again. They chatted for a long time. He found out that he was married, but with divorce paperwork. His wife hadn’t put up with her traveling so much and she had cheated on him with another. From what was seen, love did not smile on Pablo either. Ana felt very comfortable and identified talking with him, they seemed made for each other.
  2. The next morning they saw each other again at breakfast. “Would you like to take a walk? My flight leaves in three hours”, he proposed. Ana could not refuse, deep down she was wishing she could be alone with him. They went to a beautiful cove in the north of the island and sat facing the sea.
  3. “I wanted to bring you here before I go. I come every time I feel lonely. This beach gives me a lot of peace and tranquility”, said Pablo with a sad look. “Now you are not alone”, answered Ana, caressing her hand. He shyly approached her and kissed her. Neither of them could contain the desire. They liked each other very much and although they were just two strangers, it seemed that they had spent a lifetime together.
  4. The moment was magical, but then Pablo left. Phone numbers were not even requested. Neither of them believed enough in love to think that theirs had been more than just a kiss. But, when two people are destined to be together sooner or later they meet again, and that happened. Neither of them knew it, but Pablo and Ana lived in the same neighborhood. Once again, fate did its thing again and they saw each other again, hundreds of times more. After that first kiss, many others came: caresses, hugs, passion, complicity, affection and LOVE in capital letters.
  5. Now, five years after that first meeting on a plane, Ana is going to marry Pablo and all her friends have prepared their bachelorette party in Ibiza.
  6. Maybe it was destiny, maybe it was chance, but, somehow, Pablo and Ana were born to be together, forever.

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