Summer love story: In love with a girl

Maca realized that she liked girls when she met Alba. Before that she had had a few relationships, all with men and all very short. They didn’t last long, because none of them managed to attract her enough. However, when Alba came into her life, her whole world was shaken. With her she managed to feel really alive, with her she had discovered feelings and emotions that she didn’t even know existed.

However, Maca had to keep his love for Alba a secret. First, because she was afraid that her parents would not accept that she liked women. Second, because Alba was her brother’s girlfriend and she could never reciprocate her, hers was totally impossible. Maca had to settle for being Alba’s friend, a very good friend, but only that. To top it off, she and her brother were getting married after the summer and her parents had decided to spend a week on vacation together in an apartment on the beach to celebrate.

Maca obviously didn’t feel like going, but she had to bite the bullet. Of course, she was clear that when the wedding happened she was going to ask for a transfer at work to go live far away, forget about Alba and start a new life.

Unexpected confessions

  • Maca tried to do everything possible to avoid Alba during that week on the beach. Although she and her brother had been dating for many years, now that she knew they were getting married, it hurt more than ever to see them together. Everything was going more or less normally until one afternoon when there was a knock on the door of her room: it was Alba. “Maca I have noticed you are very distant these days, is something wrong with you? I need to talk with you. I need you,” she said, her voice cracking. Maca didn’t answer, she wasn’t even able to look into her eyes. “Would you like to take a walk?” Alba insisted.
  • Maca could not refuse and they went to the beach. It was a sunny afternoon and the sea was calm, although everything indicated that a tsunami was going to break out very soon. “Maca I need to tell you something, I can’t keep it quiet anymore. You are my best friend and the only person I can trust. I’m not sure I want to marry your brother, I’m not sure I’m in love with him, I don’t know what to do,”said Alba, trembling and with tears on the verge of coming out of her eyes. Maca couldn’t believe what she was hearing. On the one hand, Alba’s words made her immensely happy; on the other, the coming storm could end up soaking her to her bones. Flooded by the wave of feelings He approached Alba and hugged her. Then he wiped her tears with the corner of her shirt. “Don’t worry, I’ll be here,” Maca murmured. They both looked at each other intensely, a look that said everything and nothing at the same time. At that moment Maca was unable to contain her feelings for her anymore and slowly approaching Alba brushed her lips with his in an impulsive kiss that lasted less than five seconds. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done it,” Maca said, quickly separating from Alba. Then he ran off without looking back.

I like girls, so what?

  1. During the following weeks Maca and Alba neither saw nor spoke. Neither of them was able to face what was happening. Maca felt very ashamed of what had happened on the beach and the only thing she wanted was to run away as soon as possible. She decided that she was not going to wait until after the wedding to move to another place and forget about everything. Just the day before she got some plane tickets, packed her bags, left a note to her parents and her brother saying goodbye to her and headed to the airport.
  2. Just before boarding, he heard screams in the distance. “Macaaaaaa! Macaaaaa!” It was Alba. “Maca, your brother told me that you had left. I can’t allow it, I love you. I’ve been fooling myself all this time. If I haven’t been able to fall in love with your brother, it’s because someone else was occupying my heart, and that person is you. The other day when you kissed me on the beach you opened my eyes, I realized how stupid I’ve been, of all the time I’ve wasted without being with you, I’m sorry, I was afraid. I was very scared of what they would say, I was scared of rejection, but enough is enough. I like girls, and? I like you, I love you, and I don’t mind shouting it to the four winds. Let’s go away together or stay, but don’t leave me alone. I don’t care what they say, I don’t care what they think, and I want to be by your side. Now and always”.
  3. Maca approached Alba and kissed her. Unlike the kiss on the beach, this was a long, passionate, intense kiss. An eternal kiss. After this, they both started a new life in another place. A life in which love always triumphs.

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