The love story of Felipe and Letizia: a ‘real’ love

The princes also watch television, like any mortal. And thanks to this commoner custom of sitting down to dinner with the television on, this true love story arose. Felipe de Borbón was the prince of Asturias and his gaze, like the rest of the Spaniards, rested on the attractive news presenter, Letizia Ortiz, who happened to be Asturian. And so, between dinner and dinner, the love story of Felipe and Letizia began.

The love of a prince

  • Some say that it was Felipe who prepared everything to meet Letizia. Others say that it was fate that brought them together at a dinner given by a mutual friend. The fact is that they met, smiled and liked each other like any mortal. And from there, they began a love story that they kept secret for as long as possible.
  • The reason for keeping their love in absolute secrecy was due to the prince’s previous experiences. In his sentimental life, Prince Felipe had always maintained the tendency of not looking at the blood of his lover and her naturalness when it came to managing their relationships had ended with bitter breakups. But this time, he was not willing to give up Letizia, so he devised a secret, fast and forceful strategy.
  • Felipe’s misgivings about their relationship were well founded. But for the first time he knew how to manage it so that no one could oppose his love. And the criticisms were many. Because Letizia was not of royal blood, because she was also a journalist, because she was divorced, because even her parents were divorced… mundane affairs that should not be part of a royal house, according to moralists.

The love story of the prince and the journalist

  1. So Felipe gave him no choice. Neither to the media, nor to his parents. Before the secret of his relationship with the news presenter came to light, Felipe communicated his decision to his parents and they issued the official statement of their engagement from him. Everything fast, everything efficient, everything very professional, everything surrounded by a coldness that somewhat tarnished this love story despite everything.
  2. And since then 10 years of love have passed. The love of Felipe and Letizia that has been questioned during all this time, analyzing looks, gestures, appearances and disappearances. Criticizing postures, phrases and even outfits. 10 years in which it is still suspected that their complicit glances and their intertwined hands are pure marketing. The truth we will never know. But as proof of their love, of their relationship, as proof that, after all, they are a great team, are their two adorable girls, Leonor and Sofía.

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