The love story of John Lennon and Yoko Ono: peace, love and controversy

They weren’t like the others, so their love story couldn’t follow the normal course of a love story either. Although it is true that we find some familiar elements in the love story of John Lennon and Yoko Ono, such as infidelity, dependency, obsession and arguments.

When John Lennon meets Yoko Ono

  • When John Lennon meets Yoko Ono both are married, both are successful in their respective careers and both feel a powerful need to figure, to go down in history by whatever means possible. John Lennon meets Yoko Ono in London, at an exhibition of the Japanese artist he was working as a conceptual artist at the time.
  • From that meeting, the musician and the artist fall in love, leave their respective partners and begin to live a love story dominated by the desire for notoriety and by a particular way of understanding love. While it is true that every relationship is different and that the concept of “normal” cannot be applied to any couple, John Lennon and Yoko Ono are moved by a kind of obsession with being different.
  • The truth is that they understand each other well, that their personalities fit perfectly with each other. That Yoko can live with John’s excesses and John with Yoko’s eccentricities. The truth is that they are made for each other in spite of others. The truth is also that Yoko Ono is not to blame for everything, as the song says.

The truth about the love story of John Lennon and Yoko Ono

  1. Countless legends have been made about this love story between John Lennon and Yoko Ono. The most popular points to an economic and social interest on the part of Yoko Ono who easily manipulated a drug-addicted John Lennon. In this way, the Japanese artist would be to blame for the separation of the emblematic group of The Beatles.
  2. Nothing is further from reality. Yoko Ono belonged to a very wealthy family in Japan related to the emperor. She had money, social prestige and power, so she didn’t need a musician from a working-class Liverpool neighborhood to live her life her way and how she wanted. She, like her, was not responsible for the dissolution of the group, but rather the war between Lennon and McCartney to appear as leaders.
  3. Legends aside, we would do better to keep the legacy of these two characters in the form of songs and idyllic proposals for a better world. A world in which people lived love in a different way, freer, without fear and in peace. Because after all, that was their love proposal, even if they couldn’t carry it out.

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