Unexpected love story: finding love when you least expect it

Estela continued to believe in love, but she didn’t feel like a new relationship at all. She wanted more calls, Whastapps, appointments, coming and going freely. She was enjoying being single so much that she couldn’t imagine having a stable partner again. At least for a while, she wanted to be alone. She did not want to live a single love story, she preferred to live a thousand love stories.

Find love without looking for it

  • But it is clear that in matters of love we are not the ones who decide but Cupid, destiny or pheromones, or whatever. Estela had renounced the couple, but not the hookups, not even the rolls that lasted a few days. But few days. So she was still open to dating, blind dates, casual encounters… Love life like that was much more fun.
  • It was a friend who arranged this kind of blind date. His friend had a friend that he was sure going to like. That’s what he had told her and Estela had agreed to meet for a drink because of the “friends of my friends are my friends” thing. And the lucky one arrived. And Estela thought he was a charming, funny and attractive guy. Hours passed exchanging information and laughing. But that night nothing happened.
  • Doubts about whether or not he will call the next day were resolved as soon as he woke up because he found a good morning Whatsapp. Good sign. So that same day they met for their first date alone. And then came the kiss. Estela was not one of those who have to wait for the third date to be intimate with a man. But on that occasion, he had to do it for biological reasons that were not in his power to solve.

Accept love

  1. He liked that boy. I’m sure they would have a good time. Although she was a little scared when saying goodbye to him on the second date he said with a smile that he had a feeling that this was going to turn out well. What had to go right? Wasn’t he thinking of a relationship? Spooky. But he said it with that irresistible smile. And the third date came and that was when Estela got to know him more thoroughly. And it was also when she discovered that she was falling in love with her.
  2. I couldn’t stop staying with him. And they spent together one night and another night and another. And Estela couldn’t stop thinking about him or space out appointments. Because she couldn’t go a second without him. Her body was heading towards him, her mind all day waiting for the time to see each other. Love or electricity? It didn’t matter much because Estela was already trapped in a love story.
  3. The truth is that he did not put up much resistance. They didn’t talk about a relationship, but time passed and they were still as together as the first day. Falling more and more in love, making plans, laughing, loving each other. Estela forgot about her bachelorhood, she forgot how she liked to feel free from her, because she didn’t feel tied to him. For the first time in her life, she didn’t feel nauseous at the thought of a lifetime together. Thus, unintentionally, she had found the perfect match for her.

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