Who was Valentine: history of February 14?

Although for society Valentine’s Day is the day of love and the day where couples spend time together romantically, the reality is that Valentine’s Day did not have much to do with love, do you know who Valentine was? Do you want to tell the story to your boy?

A little history about Valentine’s

  1. At the end of the third century after Christ, a man named Valentine was martyred on February 14. It was exactly in the year 296 AD when he was sentenced to an execution in three parts: beating, stoning and finally beheading and all this for his position towards Christian marriage. The last words he wrote was a note to his daughter Asterio that he signed ‘from your Valentine’.
  2. This all happened because the emperor had an edict forbidding marriage among the young because he thought single soldiers fought better than married soldiers because the latter were afraid of what might happen to them, their wives, or their family if they died.
  3. Marriage for the Church was something very sacred and Valentine encouraged young people to marry within the Church and he secretly married them. It is for doing this that he was captured, imprisoned and tortured, for performing marriage ceremonies against the order of Emperor Claudius II. Today many people honor the value and memory of this Christian saint. Saint Valentine has become the patron saint of lovers.
  4. As you can see, Valentine’s Day has nothing to do with a semi-naked angel that flies thanks to its small wings, nor does it have a bow with arrows to captivate the hearts of lovers. Saint Valentine really existed and died for believing in love between Christian couples. If he were here today, he would say that married couples will come to a time when they will have to suffer because it is not easy to keep the commitment and vows of marriage, you have to be prepared for that!

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