Wrong love story: falling in love with a lie

I was wrong, I know. And now I can’t help but cry for a while to eliminate this toxic love and get up again. Or she cheated on me. And now I don’t even know if it was a lie or if it was true. If it was a love story, it was surely a misguided love story.

Fall in love with a lie

  1. I was so excited on that first date in which I discovered an interesting, sexy, funny and open man. I have to admit that I fell in love with him without thinking that perhaps his mind was clouded by falling in love. That blind love that turns your life upside down, that breaks schemes and makes you happier. I enjoyed my love a few months. Then the blindfold fell off.
  2. The blindfold fell off and I put it back on. The promises of the first weeks were not fulfilled. At the first misunderstanding, I discovered that he did not practice the habit of communication as he had assured me, but rather the habit of contempt and reproach. But I insisted on hiding the truth. The same thing happened with the first lie, which I put so much effort into that I have already forgotten. But I know that there was a first lie and then the others came.
  3. As the months passed, the blindfold could barely stay on my eyes. It was clear that I had fallen in love with a selfish, self-centered and manipulative man. But even without a bandage, the difficult thing was to accept it. After all, it was my mistake. One more of my errors of appreciation with men. He may have painted his personality masterfully, but it was my responsibility to intuit what was under that makeup.

Recognize the mistake

  • My friends said that I had a lovely boyfriend. My family believed that they had finally found a stable partner, one of those for life. But if I thought about the rest of my life with him, I began to choke. Something was wrong, something was wrong. I had been as wrong in the choice of man as in the timing. But I continued with him, as if a force more powerful than reason prevented me from moving away from that mistake.
  • It had to be him, overcome by the need to look for new prey. He already had me and then he began to lose interest. He let go of the rope that linked us, hoping that I would take the hint and leave discreetly. But he did not know that I am very persistent in my mistakes. Thus we continued for a time living a love of lies, indifference and rejection, until it was exhausted.
  • Because it was him and not me who said goodbye. Because I wanted to slam the door, but I didn’t have the courage or the strength to do it. If he tied me up, he set me free. And it still hurts, because I’m tired of starting over, ending and starting again. I’m tired of the wrong loves.

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